Monday, November 21, 2016

The Soul of the Dragon

Dragon's Eye

Looking deep with within my soul I find the Spirit of the Dragon. Fierce and protective, the Dragon is the guardian of Avalon. Sacred to both King Arthur and Morgana, the Dragon is powerful and wise, mighty in the war against the destruction of the worlds Seen and Unseen. Like Morgana, the Dragon is both light and dark, Seelie and Unseelie. It must--we must-- embrace both energies in order to save this planet from destruction by the hands of humans.  

Invoking the energies of the land and air, I ignite the fire within, embracing the magick of Avalon and Faery. I ride the currents of enchantment, becoming one with the Dragon Fae and the Spirits of Avalon. I stand strong in my fight for the environment and all who share this beautiful Earth with me--all life, whether human, animal, plant, or stone.

The sacredness of Earth is all around us, it always has been. We must keep it that way and restore it to its original self. Where Faery and Human shared in the beauty and magic of this most blessed planet we call home. Join me in the re-enchanted of Earth and Life, in the fight for Earth and Avalon.