Monday, November 21, 2016

The Soul of the Dragon

Dragon's Eye

Looking deep with within my soul I find the Spirit of the Dragon. Fierce and protective, the Dragon is the guardian of Avalon. Sacred to both King Arthur and Morgana, the Dragon is powerful and wise, mighty in the war against the destruction of the worlds Seen and Unseen. Like Morgana, the Dragon is both light and dark, Seelie and Unseelie. It must--we must-- embrace both energies in order to save this planet from destruction by the hands of humans.  

Invoking the energies of the land and air, I ignite the fire within, embracing the magick of Avalon and Faery. I ride the currents of enchantment, becoming one with the Dragon Fae and the Spirits of Avalon. I stand strong in my fight for the environment and all who share this beautiful Earth with me--all life, whether human, animal, plant, or stone.

The sacredness of Earth is all around us, it always has been. We must keep it that way and restore it to its original self. Where Faery and Human shared in the beauty and magic of this most blessed planet we call home. Join me in the re-enchanted of Earth and Life, in the fight for Earth and Avalon.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Photo by Brenda Van Deilen

                                         Winter’s Breath

The icy tendrils of a winter’s morn etches its way onto the canvas of a window. Within the warm glow of the home resides a family, full of love and cheer. Outside, in the depths of the barren land, fresh-snow blankets the earth, a sense of silence permeates throughout the country-side. The magic of Avalon can be felt within the walls of this cozy home, the laughter of the family and the playful barking of dogs fills the dark, cold days with blissful wonderment. It is the love of our families that bring hope into our lives; we learn to cherish the time we spend with our loved ones, human and fur-kin alike.

The depths of winter bring us closer to the realms of death and despair. Embracing the light and love of family, whether by blood or bond, can bring us out of the hopelessness that surrounds us. When we allow ourselves to see the beauty within and without, our wounded souls begin to heal and we grow in gracefulness and compassion. We are filled with the courage to face the challenges of our lives, fiercely defending our beliefs, our sexuality—our very way of being.

Within Avalon, within our hearts and souls, we can find our way to an enchanted life. One filled with merriment and love for all. We can find the peacefulness of Winter’s Breath, as She whispers to us in an ancient voice filled with arcane knowledge of Avalon, Morgana le Fae, and the Spirits of Faery. In Avalon, we are all family, kith and kin to those who find their way to Her shores. Her barge awaits us, as we prepare for the journey of a life time. A journey that will bring peace to the land, to our hearts, to our families, and to the world.

Remember to love, to cherish the time we have with our loved ones, to embrace our uniqueness, to find the magic within our lives—most of all—remember to Live… Avalon awaits…

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Under the Faery Moon

The Faery Faith of Avalon has its roots in Nature and the inner-worlds of Enchantment. The Goddesses, Gods, and Spirits who inhabit the Lands of Faery can be found all around us. They are the very essence of Nature and Life. The winds carry their voices to the ends of the Earth, and those with the ears to hear will understand the message these divine beings are bestowing upon humanity.

From Morgan le Fay to Nimue to Melusine, and from King Arthur to Merlin to Gwynn up Nudd, the Gods of Avalon are very real to those who believe and follow the Avalonian Path. Nature is our temple and our homes become temple-like; the Magic of Avalon flows though every aspect of our lives, much like Awen in the lives of Druids.
Under the Faery Moon we dance with the rhythms of Nature and rejoice in the deep beauty of Middle Earth and Faery, realizing that both are connected and both are our homes. We know that everything around us has Spirit and holds its own alluring truth. The secrets of the Lands Eternal are ours to discover and decipher.

With the use of this blog and my upcoming WIP (work in progress), I hope to share the enchanted life of Avalonian Faery Faith with the world. This is a wildly free and peaceful faith, one that embraces the mundane world around us, finding beauty in the strangest of places and feeling that deep connection with All. Within the realms of Avalon and Faery everything is possible, all it takes is an adventurous soul and an open heart.

Come, listen to the Raven's Song and dance with me under the Faery Moon. Embrace you wild-self and discover the Faery Faith of Avalon..